Friday, 6 May 2011

Well that was an experience.

Our TUSC candidates, agents and guests attended the Count for the Council elections last night. It was fascinating. Shame about the people though...

It's bullshit - the whole institution.

Politics works in a world totally and utterly void of any implemention of "ideology".

What the people actually want is in absolutely no way reflected in what actually happens.

We have a Conservative moaning about how his expenses do not make up for his loss of earnings in his business, and I quote:
"I often feel that the money I spend in allowances is not reflective of that of what I've lost in my business"
 Then we have a Liberal Democrat promoting values that her own party leadership does not represent. I believe whole heatedly that what grassroots Lib-Dems stand for is amazing, however when in power they are nothing more than scape-goated puppets who fall even before the first hurdle. 

I think it's clear, and fair, and justified to say that politics and millionaires as a coalition have successfully isolated themselves from the day-to-day reality of Joe Public. Not one of them has a bloody clue what actually happens in life. 

It's all about media coverage, and the power of money. It's about what sells and what attracts people - It has nothing to do with values and standards. Or beliefs and conviction. The days of real representation in political power are long gone.

But then I guess that's life.

It doesn't matter who wins. It is the entire institution of political power that has failed. but that happened a long long time ago.

Yet since the addition of Media PR and distractions (which fool the majority), we're further away from the utopian democracy than ever before.

THAT'S why I'm a Socialist. 

Thursday, 5 May 2011

TUSC against CUTS

Grassroots campaigners, unionists and students are joining together to be part of a growing movement. But this movement has the edge. It is about every day people fighting for their quality of life. It is about working class people, disabled people, rich people, poor people, students, teachers, black people, white people, tall people, small people, married people, single people, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren: you get the picture - this campaign belongs to everyone. It is a campaign to defend our liberties from the unnecessary, unfair and unjust cuts. The ConDem Government is not run by leading economists and the risks they are taking by implementing such deep cuts is terrifying.  It was their billionaire banker friends’ risky gambling habits which created the deficit in the first and now they are treating our economy with the same risky hasty, careless ideas.

Deep cuts slow down the economy – they reduce the tax take and therefore make the deficit practically-impossible to close.  We are being fed rubbish about “work shy benefit scroungers” and “the problem with immigration” and our “crisis-state economy” but these are tactics to convince Joe Public that the cuts are… and here’s that word again… “Necessary”.

Cutting benefits is not a fast-track into work, it is a (proven) fast-track to crime and theft. It is illogical and hypocritical to suggest that you can take peoples benefits away so they have to get a job when the wave of job-cuts means that there simply isn’t the work out there. We need investment in employment programs investment in new innovative green energy resources which would create jobs, solve our energy problems and finally give Britain a lucrative trade export.
The cuts are not necessary – they are a class attack. Think about it this way, tax-payers money bailed the banks out (we are talking £trillions) and now they’re cutting out services, our arts, our jobs, our benefits, our education to put that money back? That is not OK. The banks owe US money and they’re still not lending to small business. The banks owe US money and yet they still got their bonuses. The banks owe US money, yet are stills stealing all ours.

Say no to cuts. Fight for the alternative - because there are many alternatives. It’s about people – not profit.